Easiest Ways to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally
It's a simple fact: Diabetes is bad for you. And when it comes to Type 2 Diabetes, which accounts for an estimated 90-95% of all diabetes cases in the United States, there are a few landmark studies that have been published in recent years showing that this type of Diabetes can be easily resolved when someone eats the way their ancestors did when they lived in Africa and India thousands of years ago before Diabetes was even an issue. One study conducted in 2002 showed that 13 out of 15 patients with diabetes were able to reduce or eliminate their Diabetes medication after just three months on a diet consisting of meat and vegetables!
But how does Diabetes work?
Well, let me back up and first explain Diabetes: Diabetes occurs when the body is unable to properly break down sugars and process nutrients, which causes excess glucose (AKA sugar) to be excreted into the urine. This is because Diabetes is triggered by a lack of insulin in the body, with Diabetes Type 1 being caused by an autoimmune disease that attacks and destroys your pancreas' ability to produce insulin. Diabetes Type 2 is simply Diabetes triggered by poor diet, most often obesity.
Diabetes effects:
But aside from causing heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, and nerve problems, Diabetes also has one particularly nasty side effect: eye diseases caused by Diabetic Retinopathy, or DR for short. As Dr. Richard Krasuski states "Diabetic Retinopathy is the leading cause of blindness among adults." Diabetes causes this eye disease by causing small blood vessels to become weak or blocked, which means they cannot supply proper nutrients and oxygen. Sometimes Diabetics will not even know they have Diabetes until their vision is affected – it can go undetected for years!
How to Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Naturally
Diabetes is a serious issue that affects more people every year. In fact, Diabetes cases have doubled since 1990 and tripled since 1980 in the United States alone. The latest Diabetes statistics show over 382 million people worldwide are affected with Diabetes Type 2, including 90-95% of all patients in America. Now there's good news: Diabetes does not have to be permanent! You can reverse Diabetes by eating like your ancestors – a diet composed of meat and vegetables – just as the Diabetes studies have shown.
Diabetes is a very serious issue that affects more people every year, but there is good news: Diabetes does not have to be permanent! Diabetes can be reversed by eating a diet made up of meat and vegetables, as proven in some Diabetes-related studies conducted throughout the last few years.
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