How To Reduce Your Cholesterol Fast & Naturally In 30 Days
No one likes high cholesterol, and cholesterol has been linked to a whole host of health problems. That's why most people reduce their cholesterol levels as much as possible. If you want to reduce your cholesterol the fastest way in 30 days, then this article is for you!
The healthier your lifestyle is the more quickly it will reduce your cholesterol. The only irreversible and 100% guaranteed method of reducing cholesterol fast in 30 days is to stop consuming foods with high amounts of saturated fat and trans fat, lose weight if necessary and keep yourself fit through regular exercise. However, we all know that these things take time so we have put together some tips on what you can do daily to reduce cholesterol levels.
Tips to Reduce Your Cholesterol Fast & Naturally are:
1. Avoid trans-fats at all costs - they reduce your good cholesterol and increase bad cholesterol.
2. Cut out as much processed food as possible - too many preservatives & additives.
3. Watch your salt intake - reduce the amount of salt you eat, substitute with spices instead.
4. Add omega 3 to your diet - this reduces triglycerides which reduce the overall number on the cholesterol test.
5. Lose weight if necessary - Obesity is one of the biggest causes of high cholesterol so if you are overweight consider losing some weight before anything else.
6. Eat plenty of fiber - this will reduce blood fat levels which usually raises or leaves unchanged after a meal that has cholesterol in it.
7. Change to low-fat foods - reduce the amount of saturated fat and cholesterol that you eat.
8. Drink plenty of water to reduce cholesterol levels.
9. Eat more (healthy) carbs - low-carb diets reduce good cholesterol, high-fiber carbs reduce bad cholesterol.
10. Add garlic to your diet - garlic reduces LDL & triglyceride levels.
11. Red wine has been found to reduce total and LDL cholesterol but should be limited to 1 glass a day as it still contains alcohol which can damage your liver and other organs so don't overdo it!
12. Foods containing plant sterols reduce both total and LDL cholesterol so include these in your diet too such as milk, cheese, yogurt, or any dairy product made from whole milk.
13. Cut back on saturated fat - reduce the amount of butter you use, reduce fatty meats and reduce full-fat dairy.
14. Cut back on alcohol - apart from red wine too much alcohol can increase cholesterol levels so reduce it to less than one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men.
15. Swap vegetable oils with canola oil or olive oil which will reduce cholesterol levels.
16. Eat more fiber-rich foods such as oats.
17. Take regular exercise which reduces triglycerides by up to 10%.
18. Stop smoking - helps reduce LDL cholesterol
19. Add soluble fiber to your diet - this reduces LDL cholesterol.
20. Drink coffee without milk or cream, having just one cup of black coffee is better than nothing.
21. Change fizzy drinks to diet versions.
22. Reduce stress levels such as through yoga and reduce your workload (reduce stress hormones).
23. Lower homocysteine levels by including vitamin B6, folic acid and vitamin B12 in your diet.
24. Drink green tea which reduces cholesterol levels.
25. Reduce your caffeine intake.
26. Eat at least one tablespoon of ground flax seeds a day.
27. Increase consumption of Omega 3 fatty acids.
28. Take Zinc supplements regularly.
29. Quit Alcohol - reduce the amount you drink or give up alcohol altogether.
30. Have plenty of healthy fats such as those found in olive oil, olives & avocados.
31. Look after yourself and reduce stressful situations as much as possible.
32 . Add Pineapple and papaya to your diet as they reduce cholesterol.
33. Reduce stress - reduce the amount of stress you are under which can reduce cholesterol levels.
34. Eat more tomatoes, oranges & grapefruit which reduce cholesterol by up to 33%.
35. Stop smoking - helps reduce LDL cholesterol
36. Include Omega 3 fatty acids in your diet regularly such as flaxseed oil capsules or eating oily fish regularly e.g., salmon, tuna, trout, etc...
37. Avoid trans-fats at all costs - they reduce your good cholesterol and increase bad cholesterol
38 . Cut out as much processed food as possible - too many preservatives & additives
39 . Watch your salt intake - reduce the amount of salt you eat or reduce it to less than 6gms a day.
40 . Watch your alcohol intake - reduce the amount of alcohol you drink or reduce it to less than two drinks a day for women and three drinks a day for men.
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