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Vitamin C - The Most Delicious Vitamin For Healthy Life

What is common between young potatoes grown in your garden, southern oranges and tropical mangoes? The correct answer is vitamin C! These fruits and vegetables are rich in ascorbic acid - perhaps the most favorite vitamin among Us.

What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin. This means that when you eat food containing water-soluble vitamins, they do not stay in your body for long. They travel through your circulatory system, and if your body does not use them, it removes them through the urinary system. In addition, vitamin C is one of the few vitamins that our body does not produce on its own. Therefore, you need to daily replenish the body with vitamin C, eating foods rich in them! And make sure that your child’s diet is also designed in such a way that vitamin C enters his body in the right amount.
What is Vitamin C important for your baby?

Importance of Vitamin C in Our Life:

Vitamin C has a very complicated and painstaking job. It performs many important functions in Our Body:
  • promotes the absorption of iron from plant products (cereals and vegetables),
  • helps with bruises and promotes the rapid healing of wounds and cuts,
  • strengthens connective tissues between muscles, bones, vessels and ligaments,
  • regulates blood formation processes and normalizes capillary permeability,
  • protects gums from inflammatory processes,
  • increases the body's resistance to colds, improves immunity,
  • participates in the synthesis of a number of hormones. 
Vitamin C is especially important for Us living in large cities, the atmosphere of which contains a large amount of exhaust gases and dust. Vitamin C helps to eliminate toxic substances that enter the body through air or water.

Where from get Vitamin FROM?

Vitamin C is found in a huge amount of plant foods. Soon begins the most favorable time to saturate the body with vitamin C - summer! Most fresh berries, fruits, and vegetables are excellent sources of vitamin C. Contrary to popular belief, citrus fruits are not champions in ascorbic acid content.

TOP - 10 products by vitamin C content:

  1. Rosehips (100 g) - 550 mg.
  2. Sea buckthorn (100 g) - 400 mg.
  3. Red pepper (1 whole) - 312 mg.
  4. Currant (100 g) - 200 mg.
  5. Kiwi (1 medium) - 70 mg.
  6. Grapefruit juice (250 ml) - 70 mg.
  7. Orange (1 medium) - 70 mg.
  8. Raw broccoli (125 ml) - 61 mg.
  9. Strawberries (100 g) - 60 mg.
  10. Tomato (1 medium) - 16 mg.

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